
The purpose of this tutorial is to provide basic commentary on our preprocessing protocol. Each case we handle is treated differently. This is an example protocol that is typical for a grid subject.


Our current protocol (07/12/2017) can be segmented into three general sections - Standard preprocssing - Signal processing methods that are standard across all subjects - Includes resampling, filtering, and fieldtrip setup - Visual inspection - Artifact rejection, channel rejection, event rejection - Rereferencing - Reducing data dependencies

Standard preprocessing in FieldTrip

% Specify input and outputs for signal file
inpath = '0_Data/IR53/sig/IR53_raw.besa';
outpath = '0_Data/IR53/sig/IR53_FT.mat';

Resample signal

Most datasets come in at 5000 Hz sample rate. We downsample to 1000 Hz (saves computation time; standard for the field)

% Load the data into fieldtrip friendly format
cfg = [];
cfg.dataset = inpath;
dat = ft_preprocessing(cfg);
processing channel { 'DC01' 'DC02' 'DC03' 'DC04' 'ROF1' 'ROF2' 'ROF3' 'ROF4' 'ROF5' 'ROF6' 'ROF7' 'ROF8' 'ROF9' 'ROF10' 'ROF11' 'ROF12' 'ROF13' 'ROF14' 'ROF15' 'ROF16' 'RFP1' 'RFP2' 'RFP3' 'RFP4' 'RFP5' 'RFP6' 'RFP7' 'RFP8' 'RFP9' 'RFP10' 'RFP11' 'RFP12' 'RFP13' 'RFP14' 'RFP15' 'RFP16' 'RST1' 'RST2' 'RST3' 'RST4' 'RST5' 'RST6' 'RST7' 'RST8' 'RST9' 'RST10' 'RST11' 'RST12' 'FZ' 'CZ' 'PZ' 'OZ' 'C3' 'C4' 'RUE' 'RLE' 'LUE' 'LLE' 'EKG' 'REF' 'RT1' 'RT2' 'RT3' 'RT4' 'RT5' 'RT6' 'RT7' 'RT8' 'RT9' 'RT10' 'RT11' 'RT12' 'RT13' 'RT14' 'RT15' 'RT16' 'RT17' 'RT18' 'RT19' 'RT20' 'RT21' 'RT22' 'RT23' 'RT24' 'RT25' 'RT26' 'RT27' 'RT28' 'RT29' 'RT30' 'RT31' 'RT32' }
reading and preprocessing
reading and preprocessing trial 1 from 1

the call to "ft_preprocessing" took 4 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 2610 MB

Resample the data.


Detrend at the experiment level (now) to account for large electrode drifts that can be seen in the signal. I also think that it is important to remove drifts before any band-filtering.


Demean at trial level (later) so ERPs plot cleanly. I don't run many amplutude sensitive analyses so it doesn't make a huge differences for me.

cfg = [];
cfg.resamplefs = 1000;
cfg.detrend = 'yes';
cfg.demean = 'no';
dat_res = ft_resampledata(cfg,dat);

hdr = dat_res.hdr;
hdr.Fs = 1000;
hdr.nSamples = length(dat_res.trial{1});
the input is raw data with 92 channels and 1 trials
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB
resampling data
resampling data in trial 1 from 1

original sampling rate = 5000 Hz
new sampling rate = 1000 Hz
the call to "ft_resampledata" took 14 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 508 MB

Filter Data

Bandpass Filter:

Why you shouldn't bandpass here

1) The processed dataset will be unusable for ERPs

2) You will obscure visual artifacts

3) You can always do it later

Why should you bandpass here?

1) You want to bandpass low frequency data for small time windows (there is A LOT to consider if you are doing that analysis anyway)

When should you bandpass?

Before any oscillatory analysis

What should you set as your bandpass?

[1,200 Hz] is what I'm generally comfortable with for a general bandpass. Some datasets will have high frequency noise around 100-150 Hz, if that is the case you may want to set your upper bound to a more conservative number

Bandstop Filter (aka Notch Filter):

Almost every dataset has significant electrical line noise at 60, 120, 180 Hz. Applying a notch filter will remove the noise in most cases. If line noise persists, I I throw the channel out if I am looking ERPs or >30 Hz oscillations.

cfg = [];
cfg.preproc.bpfilter = 'no'; % Bandpass
cfg.preproc.bpfreq = [1 200];
cfg.preproc.bsfilter = 'yes'; % Notch
cfg.preproc.bsfreq = [58 62; 118 122; 178 182];
dat_res_filt = ft_preprocessing(cfg,dat_res); %Use resampled data
Warning: the trial definition in the configuration is
inconsistent with the actual data 
Warning: reconstructing sampleinfo by assuming that the
trials are consecutive segments of a continuous recording 
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 522 MB
preprocessing trial 1 from 1

the call to "ft_preprocessing" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 522 MB

Select channels to remove

Our current system is to compile notes on a spreadsheet. For some datasets (SEEG), Knight Lab will add notes to a shared file on their server. I pull that to our server and add additional notes. On that spreadsheets we mark channels to remove as well as electrode regional placements by various labelling schema (automatic, Knight Lab placements, Badre lab placement)

import_loc_notes_IR53_2; % function for loading .xlsx file with labels

rem_ind = (OutofBrain)|(Epileptic)|(Discard); % labels for removed electrodes

rem = strcat('-',Electrode(find(rem_ind)));
keep = Electrode(find(~rem_ind));
elec_str = union(rem,keep); = ft_channelselection(elec_str,hdr.label);

Visual Inspection

View databrowser

This view mode is best for evaluating ictal artifacts and corrupted channels

Things to look for

1) Ictal artifacts

Ictal artifacts are screened by Knight Lab (usually twice). They will provide a list of artifacts that should be removed. Generally they choose to remove any electrode that is the source of the ictal event. If you want to be ultra conservative, you can remove the spread of the events as well (although usually they are considered potential source as well)

What to look for

- Sharp waveform

- Spreads across neighboring electrodes

- May occur several time on the same electrode

What to do

- Remove channel

- Remove event

2) High frequency noise

High frequency noise usually results from a bugged electrode, environmental noise, or unusual electrode placement (out of brain, on machine, etc.).

What to look for

-Consistent 'rippling'

-High frequency power on PSDs

What to do

- Throwout electrode

-Lowpass filter (I don't do this if I plan on rereferencing later).

3) Persistent line noise

Since we've already applied a notch filter, line noise at this point is significantly corruptive. There are more creative ways to remove line noise but at this point I tend to throw the channel out.

What to look for

- Unnatural oscillations that is always present (don't confuse with beta)

- PSD spikes

What to do

- Throwout electrode

- Advanced notch filters

% Use fieldtrip databrowser
cfg.viewmode = 'vertical';
cfg.ylim = [-75,75];
new_cfg = ft_databrowser(cfg,dat_res_filt);
the input is raw data with 92 channels and 1 trials
Warning: the data has been resampled, not showing the
detected   0 visual artifacts
the call to "ft_databrowser" took 2 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 521 MB

Remove eliminated channels

We have already removed channels that are marked in the .xlsx file; this next step removes channels that we specified using the databrowser. Note removed channels from the databrowser are not automatically reflected in the .xlsx sheet, and should be edited appropriately.

vec = zeros(size(;

for cid = 1:length(;
    vec(strmatch({cid},,'exact')) = 1;
new_mat = dat_res_filt.trial{1};
new_mat = new_mat(find(vec),:);
dat_res_filt.trial{1} = new_mat;
dat_res_filt.label =;

Segment dataset into trials

Trial definition is kind of a pain right now. Check out my tutorial on event encoding to see how we encode event onset times to get a better idea of why.

At this point we have a vector of event onsets time compiled by my encocder.

load('/home/bfrick/Documents/MATLAB/ECoG_Pipeline/0_Data/IR53/sig/IR53_raw.mat', 'events_raw');

Since our trial length we are analyzing is [-250, 500] ms I choose a conservative [-1000 1000] ms. All the time window maneuvering is done during signal processing and data analysis. No need to constrain my window at this point.

pretrig    = 1;  % -1000 ms
posttrig   = 1;  % +1000 ms
Fs = 1000; % sample rate
trl = [];
si = [];

for lid = 1:length(events_raw)
    new_trl  = [events_raw(lid)-pretrig*Fs,events_raw(lid)+posttrig*Fs,pretrig*Fs ]; % [beginning, end, 0]
    new_si = [events_raw(lid)-pretrig*Fs,events_raw(lid)+posttrig*Fs]; % [beginning, end]
    trl = [trl; new_trl];
    si = [si;new_si];
cfg = [];
cfg.trl = trl;
cfg.sampleinfo = si;
cfg.trials = 'all';
cfg.chans = 'all';

dat_res_filt_trial = ft_redefinetrial(cfg,dat_res_filt);
the input is raw data with 59 channels and 1 trials
the call to "ft_redefinetrial" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB

Trialwise Filtering

Now our data is in trial format! detrend. The data here is already detrended. I am 90% sure that detrending here is OK and should maintain transients (I believe it is a low frequency detrender that is not sensitive to window size), but I would check the documentation demean I demean the signnal here so the potentials are similar across electrodes and across trials bandpassfilter

cfg = [];
cfg.detrend = 'no';
cfg.demean = 'yes';
cfg.preproc.bpfilter = 'no'; % Bandpass
cfg.preproc.bpfreq = [1 200];
dat_trial = ft_preprocessing(cfg,dat_res_filt_trial);
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB
preprocessing trial 320 from 320

the call to "ft_preprocessing" took 1 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB

Trialwise visual inpection

This is similar to the databrowser we did before but now you'll all electrodes for one trial, and then all trials for one electrode. It's much harder to see the big picture here but it is useful for deteriming rereferencing schemas and finding artifacts you might have missed.

I like to use this pass for:

1) Second and third pass for general artifacts

2) Evaluation of correlations across electrodes

% *View trials*
cfg = [];
cfg.method = 'trial';
cfg.trials = 'all'; = ft_channelselection(elec_str,dat_res_filt_trial.label);
cfg.keepchannel = 'no';
cfg.keeptrial = 'no';

dat_pass_1 = ft_rejectvisual(cfg,dat_trial);
the input is raw data with 59 channels and 320 trials
showing the data per trial, all channels at once
trial 1 marked as GOOD
320 trials marked as GOOD, 0 trials marked as BAD
59 channels marked as GOOD, 0 channels marked as BAD
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB
the call to "ft_rejectvisual" took 2 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB

View channels

cfg = [];
cfg.method  = 'channel'; % browse through channels
cfg.trials = 'all'; = ft_channelselection(elec_str,dat_res_filt_trial.label);
cfg.keepchannel = 'no';
cfg.keeptrial = 'no';

dat_pass_2 = ft_rejectvisual(cfg,dat_pass_1);
the input is raw data with 59 channels and 320 trials
showing the data per channel, all trials at once
channel ROF1 marked as GOOD
320 trials marked as GOOD, 0 trials marked as BAD
59 channels marked as GOOD, 0 channels marked as BAD
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB
the call to "ft_rejectvisual" took 2 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 1 MB


Rereferencing is something we are still playing around with. I will post a tutorial on this when we have fully fleshed out some of our fringe ideas. In that tutorial I'll explain these analyses in much more detail

What we do

-For grid channels

--- Common average reference (CAR) across electrodes

- For SEEG channels

--- Bipolar referencing schema (using adjacent, same electrode, same region)

Why we do it

1) Remove single source artifacts

2) Remove conductive signalling

3) Remove external events (movement)


1) CAR may propagate artifacts into healthy channels

-- which is why I rereference last

2) CAR does not really adress single source or conductive signalling

-- A bipolar montage poses a couple of problems for our grid cases (will adress in rereferencing tutorial)

-- We're not confidant in other methods (PCA, etc. addressed in rereferencing tutorial)

3) Bipolar rereferencing greatly reduces # of channels

-- necessary due to large conductance between same electrode channels

4) Bipolar creates a much larger ROI

-- necessary ...

CAR_BOOL = 1; % for most analyses I like to run it once with un-re-referenced data test the effect of rereferencing
dat_reref = dat_pass_2;

    car_reref; % Rereferencing script for CAR
    dat_reref = dat_pass_2;
    for gn_id = 1:length(grid)
        cfg = [];
        cfg.chans = grid{gn_id};
        cfg.reref = 'yes';
        cfg.refchannel = grid{gn_id};
        dat_reref = ft_preprocessing(cfg,dat_reref);
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB
preprocessing trial 320 from 320

the call to "ft_preprocessing" took 1 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB
preprocessing trial 320 from 320

the call to "ft_preprocessing" took 1 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB
preprocessing trial 320 from 320

the call to "ft_preprocessing" took 1 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB


View trials again

This is your final draft, make sure nothing looks odd. Rereferencing (especially CAR) will highlight bugged channels and missed artifacts. If you're not saving your removed channels and events correctly, you'll notice that here as well.

cfg = [];
cfg.method = 'trial';
cfg.trials = 'all'; = 'all';
cfg.keepchannel = 'no';
cfg.keeptrial = 'no';

dat_pass_temp = ft_rejectvisual(cfg,dat_reref);
the input is raw data with 59 channels and 320 trials
showing the data per trial, all channels at once
trial 1 marked as GOOD
320 trials marked as GOOD, 0 trials marked as BAD
59 channels marked as GOOD, 0 channels marked as BAD
the call to "ft_selectdata" took 0 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 0 MB
the call to "ft_rejectvisual" took 2 seconds and required the additional allocation of an estimated 2 MB

Save it

Fieldtrip data formats are tricky. Any time you make a new preprocessing scipt, check your dat file here and look for inconsistencies. The dat file here will be your primary signal file for all future analyses.

display(['Saving... ',outpath])
dat = dat_pass_temp;

reg = {};
% Add region
for cid = 1:length(dat.label)
    reg{cid} = simple{strmatch(dat.label{cid},names,'exact')};
dat.region = reg;
Saving... 0_Data/IR53/sig/IR53_FT.mat

Thanks! email me if you have concerns or questions